Training course in clinical epileptology

2019 წლის 11-13 ოქტომბერს, ქ. თბილისში, სასტუმრო "ზპ-პალასში" ტარდება კავკასიური საერთაშორისო საზაფხულო სკოლის სასწავლო კურსი კლინიკურ ეპილეფტოლოგიაში, რომელიც ორგანიზებულია ეპილეფსიასთან ბრძოლის საერთაშორისო ლიგის (ILAE) ევროპული (ILAE-Europe) და[...]


Institute of Neurology and Neuropsychology (INN), (former Epilepsy Prevention and Control Centre) is an LLC, that was founded in 2005 with vision to support the care/management for persons with chronic neurological diseases - epilepsy, movement disorders, sleep disorders, learning and developmental disabilities, post-stroke and post-neurosurgery conditions. INN conducts the projects in collaboration with different local and international governmental and non-governmental organisations, as well individual projects.

Dr. Sofia Kasradze, MD, PhD is a Director of the INN since its establishment (09/03/2005)


ორგანიზაციის მიზნები


Development of e-Health and m-Health policy and strategy in Georgia and South Caucasus region; Assessment, research and cost-efficiency evaluation of e-Health/m-Health applications; Developing web-based health information resources for professionals and general public; Developing Learning Management Systems for Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL), eLearning and mLearning. Adaptation, Validation and implementation of modern preventive, diagnostic, treatment and medical care services for persons with chronic neurological disorders (epilepsy, movement disorders, sleep disorders, developmental disorders, post-stroke and post neuropsychological conditions).



We treat the person, not just the disease!
In addition to the symptoms of the disease, the sick person is also concerned about many other issues: receiving his own diagnosis, getting used to the disease, interacting with the environment and society, studying, work, employment, creating a family, progeny and family problems.

We treat the person, not just the disease!
In addition to the symptoms of the disease, the sick person is also concerned about many other issues: receiving his own diagnosis, getting used to the disease, interacting with the environment and society, studying, work, employment, creating a family, progeny and family problems.


  • Epilepsy in Georgia was recognized as a social problem and epilepsy management was defined as a strategic direction of Georgian health policy;
  • "National Epilepsy Registry" was created and implemented;
  • "National Register of Developmental Disorders";
  • Among the countries of Eastern Europe and Asia, only in Georgia were launched multi-year state programs of "Epilepsy prevention and timely diagnosis" and "Neurodevelopmental prevention and early diagnosis" with a multidisciplinary diagnostic package.